CLOSER (fundamentals), a 5Rhythms x erotic exploration

an introduction to erotic needs x requests


Sep 22 2024


11:00 am - 7:30 pm

❗️Please write me to register either via contact form or email. Spots are limited.

This workshop is open to everyone curious about their relationship to sexuality, eroticism and sensuality. Whether you are comfortable and familiar with these topics, or exploring them for the first time, you are welcome to join us.  CLOSER events are open to everyone, creating a space for different horizons, sexual orientations and experiences.


This one-day fundamentals workshop is an introduction to discover / sharpen the personal perspective of erotic needs x desires. It is an opportunity to learn and understand your needs and desires through a variety of body-based techniques accompanied by frameworks to support you during the workshop, and in your daily life.

Often, we have forgotten, or numbed or discounted or even have-not-quite-met our needs or desires. We might find ourselves in situations, especially in the erotic-sexual areas of life, where we ignore or hide our needs. Perhaps we make our needs (and ourselves) very small. Alternatively, we might turn into performers, larger-than-life actors. Whatever the case, we frequently look out without sensing in. 

Therefore, CLOSER (fundamentals), is primarily a workshop that focuses the gaze inwards before ‘going outward’. We will work with various methods with curiosity and non-judgement to meet these erotic needs x desires. 

We will use tools of:

  • 5Rhythms® Dance
  • Sexological Bodywork®
  • Authentic Relating
  • Expressive Art


Eroticism vs Sexuality

While sexuality is an instinctual urge resulting in an act (with the self or another), eroticism is born within us and our imaginations. Eroticism involves sensual and aesthetic experiences. However, it also encompasses feelings, memories, relationships or power relations, obstacles and taboos. All of these begin in our inner worlds, so getting to know our own needs x desires is a central part of our eroticism, and our freedom into empowered sexual beings. 


More details about CLOSER (fundamentals)

During this CLOSER (fundamentals) workshop, touch and nudity are welcome. However, each participant is encouraged and will be supported to set their own boundaries here. This is not an “empty phrase”, but rather an important part of the workshop: to understand and respect our personal needs at different moments in time.

CLOSER events are a gentle, safe setting for people who have never participated in explicitly sexual workshops before, as well as for anyone who has. You can also participate in the workshop as a couple & do the exercises together or separately as you wish. 

We encourage everyone to find their comfortable edge for the exploration, and are available throughout the retreat for support.

 The workshop will be held in English, however, instructions and other important details can be translated into German if needed.


Reduced €70  
Regular €85 
Supportive €110 

If you would like to join but cannot afford the cost of the workshop, please reach out.

To register, please write via the contact form or email me.

Samar and Markus held a beautiful, embracing and safe space in which I felt secure to explore my boundaries. The mix between dance and sexual bodywork exercises was really empowering.

I appreciated how Samar and Markus created an intimate, safe atmosphere and how I could trust, open up and explore. I didn't think I would be comfortable with no clothes on but they facilitated the workshop in such a way that in the end being naked together seemed to be the most natural thing.


No previous experience necessary. This workshop is open to everyone curious about their relationship to sexuality, eroticism and sensuality. 

Whether you are comfortable and familiar with these topics, or exploring them for the first time, you are welcome to join us. We will work with each person’s boundaries and experiences as we move through this one-day workshop. At no point during the workshop will there be mandatory exercises.

Please be aware that as this workshop explores the topic of eroticism – there will be invitations for nakedness (although it is not required) and touch, therefore, we request that all participants have some comfort being in a room with naked bodies.

No, there will be no requirements to get naked, however, there will be an invitation for nakedness, therefore, please be aware others might be naked around you.

We encourage everyone to find their comfortable edge for the retreat, and are available throughout the day for support.

For some exercises, self-touch will be invited. However, there will be no requirements for genital touch and there will always be alternative options.

In all activities with others, we will pair people according to their comfort levels and offer alternative options. There will be no genital touch within pairs on this workshop.

We encourage everyone to find their comfortable edge for the exploration, and are available throughout day for support.

Yes, you are welcome to join us as a couple or multi-partnership. There is often a partnership discount available for events.

You are encouraged to decide, within your partnership, how you would like to join touch or massage style exercises (either together or as part of the larger group). For non-touch sharing (e.g. talking), we encourage you to participate with the whole group.

Whatever you decide is welcome. We just ask that you communicate these needs and boundaries with us so we may best support you during our time together.

CLOSER is a project that offers a range of workshops and regular events to explore the multi-dimensional flavors of eroticism.

Eroticism, essentially, is an amalgamation of many aspects of the human experience. It is a combination of desires, feelings, expression and experiences. It fuels both our sex lives and daily lives; the latter sometimes a surprising discovery.

project CLOSER provides a unique, experiential approach to eroticism by combining tools that genuinely touch all aspects / parts of the human.

Please feel free to read more about project CLOSER and/or reach out with any questions!

About Samar Linn

Samar is a curious investigator of the human experience and a movement catalyst. She is a certified 5Rhythms® teacher, a trained Integrative Counselor, Bodyworker and Art Therapist. She co-facilitators project CLOSER with her husband, Markus.

Samar’s personal journey and professional training weave a rich tapestry to offer creative environments for individuals x couples to explore their signature flavors to deepen intimacy with themselves and others. She supports individuals x couples x groups to drop away from self-criticism, inhibitions and blockages with a range of somatic, talk or artist techniques. As her clients learn to become aware, dare to listen and have the courage to respond to their body-map, eroticism and its life force energies open up in sexual, and creative ways in daily life.

Samar runs a range of workshops and regular classes to bring more curiosity to ourselves, openness to our uniqueness and permission to embrace the magic in daily life. Her raw attitude, vulnerability and fascination in ways to embody freedom of expression provide an electric, creative and safe environment.

About Markus

Markus is a firm believer in the power of structure and logic. At the same time, he’s an incorrigible romantic. Living in these seemingly contradictory worlds took him on a journey that questioned the core of intimacy and sexual freedom. This personal search guided him towards the club scene of Berlin and, later, to tantric, sex-positive, 5Rhythms and Authentic Relating workshops.

His explorations led him to further cultivate a more holistic perspective of eroticism, romance and relationships. Markus became a certified Sexological Bodyworker at the IISB, Zurich. Sexological Bodywork gave him a foundation in somatic sexual counseling, accompanying people to release any dogmas, cultural blockages and habitual sexual behavior.  

Markus co-facilitates project CLOSER with his wife, Samar. He brings acute sensitivity, attentiveness, a range of erotic techniques and sexual games for couples to deepen their sexual intimacy in daily life.