Relish in the art of being you.

Samar Linn

Glad you landed here

Samar Linn

My name is Samar Linn. My work as a DJ, coach + catalyst was born out of my personal journey to live life abundantly which led me down a track of personal and professional inquiry. I have a breadth of training and certifications including 5Rhythms® dance meditation, integrative coaching, spontaneous art expression, body work and decades of experience navigating the corporate world, too.

Individual Sessions

Based on your intentions for coaching, we use a mix of techniques that lead to tangible, practical evolution in your daily life. I draw from a range of cognitive (mind) and somatic (body) training to guide you. Together, we explore your most effective discovery tools such as talk-coaching, bodywork, art, visualization, movement.

Samar Linn Coaching 5Rhythms Dance Meditation

5Rhythms Dance Meditation

5Rhythms is dynamic practice that fuses dance, expression and meditation in the same breath. This dance lab is full of juicy music and entices you into spontaneous and freeing movement. When we allow our bodies its full range of experience, our minds become still and we find inner peace, greater courage and joy to feel more at home in our beings.

The KIX Project

The KIX project is an open, real and safe space to investigate addictions. I have developed a special and specific combination of group sharing, exercises and dance based on my personal journey in conjunction with professional work. KIX is for anyone who has a suspicion that addiction is an issue, who knows their addiction(s) well, who is in recovery. KIX is also for anyone who want to understand their shadows that can lead into addiction, too. Although there are various motivations, what we all have in common is curiosity on the topic of addiction, co-addiction or compulsions.

Zuhoren Sasha Waltz


I adore collaborating with various conferences, festivals, corporate and private events. Often I’m invited to bring a collective, community close to big festivals or conferences. I also facilitate corporate workshops to enhance communication, team building and culture. And, it’s always an honor to play a set for private festivities, too.

I am touched by such beautiful words from you, around the world.

just a regular afternoon over here, calling on the wisdom of Chaos to drop down and out so I can stay present and alive (and oh-so-ready for my calf to fully heal for more movement in those feet)

#5rhythms #chaosdance #shakebreak #shakeitout #danceitout #outofthehead #intothebody #clearthemind #getpresent #5rhythmsdance #5rhythmen #berlindance #chaos #emptyout

just a regular afternoon over here, calling on the wisdom of Chaos to drop down and out so I can stay present and alive (and oh-so-ready for my calf to fully heal for more movement in those feet)

#5rhythms #chaosdance #shakebreak #shakeitout #danceitout #outofthehead #intothebody #clearthemind #getpresent #5rhythmsdance #5rhythmen #berlindance #chaos #emptyout

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At x-dance last Saturday, we explored the themes of size. both physically and energetically.

 Most all of us have been conditioned in some form or another on how to take up space. Gender-based or culturally influenced. Based on familial values or experiences. We might be been told certain things like "sit with your legs closed" or "you have to own the room to be heard" (or or or...). We picked up how other people moved or took up space to create boxes and rules for ourselves on what is socially acceptable. What will get us liked? What will give us safety? What will help is fit in or stand out because belonging is too painful. 

And so, we took the experiment to the body which holds a hell of a lot of stories, yet when given permission in safety, curiosity and non-judgement provides a depth of wisdom ..... indeed, we are right sized. we can make choices on what levels of space and energy feels true in different moments, giving space for ourselves and each other. raw vulnerable expression.

sometimes, these seemingly micro experiments are the radical shifts i, you, we, us need. 

for me area is feeling at ease in that right sized shape on social media and in front of the camera .... well, it's ongoing (although i don't think i was camera shy when i was so very young .... hmmm). 

so, here's to more dancing.  next class this Saturday, June 29. ✏️Register via link in bio 

#selfexpression #freedomofexpression #radicalchange #danceasmedicine #selfie #healingthroughart #unsilenced

At x-dance last Saturday, we explored the themes of size. both physically and energetically.

Most all of us have been conditioned in some form or another on how to take up space. Gender-based or culturally influenced. Based on familial values or experiences. We might be been told certain things like "sit with your legs closed" or "you have to own the room to be heard" (or or or...). We picked up how other people moved or took up space to create boxes and rules for ourselves on what is socially acceptable. What will get us liked? What will give us safety? What will help is fit in or stand out because belonging is too painful.

And so, we took the experiment to the body which holds a hell of a lot of stories, yet when given permission in safety, curiosity and non-judgement provides a depth of wisdom ..... indeed, we are right sized. we can make choices on what levels of space and energy feels true in different moments, giving space for ourselves and each other. raw vulnerable expression.

sometimes, these seemingly micro experiments are the radical shifts i, you, we, us need.

for me area is feeling at ease in that right sized shape on social media and in front of the camera .... well, it`s ongoing (although i don`t think i was camera shy when i was so very young .... hmmm).

so, here`s to more dancing. next class this Saturday, June 29. ✏️Register via link in bio

#selfexpression #freedomofexpression #radicalchange #danceasmedicine #selfie #healingthroughart #unsilenced

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grief. she calls to be danced. and when the stuckness comes, she calls more vehemently. the personal grief. the collective grief. the small grief. the big grief. the ongoing grief.she will be danced, and open fear, anger, sadness. all into the heart. all in the language of the soul. 
and so, when i don't know what or how or when or why in these moments. i remember to dance grief. (even with a still to-be-healed calf*)

through it all, hopelessness alchemises into hope. devastation into creativity. living into art. 
*check out my latest newsletter via link in bio on my calf injury and its lessons. 

#griefdance #peacedance #freedomdance #decolonize  #prayer #hope #5rhythmsdance #5rhythms #5rhythmen #5rhythmentanz #movethegrief #mercy #wewillbefree

grief. she calls to be danced. and when the stuckness comes, she calls more vehemently. the personal grief. the collective grief. the small grief. the big grief. the ongoing grief.she will be danced, and open fear, anger, sadness. all into the heart. all in the language of the soul. 
and so, when i don`t know what or how or when or why in these moments. i remember to dance grief. (even with a still to-be-healed calf*)

through it all, hopelessness alchemises into hope. devastation into creativity. living into art. 
*check out my latest newsletter via link in bio on my calf injury and its lessons. 

#griefdance #peacedance #freedomdance #decolonize  #prayer #hope #5rhythmsdance #5rhythms #5rhythmen #5rhythmentanz #movethegrief #mercy #wewillbefree

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initiation wave of change ....
Change .... some of us seek it out, unable to rest in present moments. 
some of us try hard to hold on tight and wish the 'forever'. 
  Through my breath and body, in the dance, I am reminded to hold gentle, release with 
  Through the dance, I remember change is nature and divine.

🔗 OR Link in Bio > Music: 5Rhythms Dances

#5rhythms #5rhythmsdance #soundcloudwave #5rhythmsmedicine #dancethechange #movementmedicine #5rhythmswaves #healingmusic #change #surrenderthroughdance #ridethewave #staypresent #healthylifestyle #consciousdj #consciousmovement #consciousdance

initiation wave of change ....
Change .... some of us seek it out, unable to rest in present moments.
some of us try hard to hold on tight and wish the `forever`.
Through my breath and body, in the dance, I am reminded to hold gentle, release with
Through the dance, I remember change is nature and divine.

🔗 OR Link in Bio > Music: 5Rhythms Dances

#5rhythms #5rhythmsdance #soundcloudwave #5rhythmsmedicine #dancethechange #movementmedicine #5rhythmswaves #healingmusic #change #surrenderthroughdance #ridethewave #staypresent #healthylifestyle #consciousdj #consciousmovement #consciousdance

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One of those blissful afternoons of sharing, drawing, music and yes - tarot cards. This moment captures a total flow with another being as we wondered and got curious about ourselves and current experiences. 

 I love turning to tarot to shed light on blind spots and to show me the wisdom I need. In painful or difficult circumstances, this visual
(and practical) extension of my intuition is gold.

#play #tarotwisdom #creativity #intuition #friendship

One of those blissful afternoons of sharing, drawing, music and yes - tarot cards. This moment captures a total flow with another being as we wondered and got curious about ourselves and current experiences.

I love turning to tarot to shed light on blind spots and to show me the wisdom I need. In painful or difficult circumstances, this visual
(and practical) extension of my intuition is gold.

#play #tarotwisdom #creativity #intuition #friendship

22 4
i was convinced the lyrics to this song were about  C H A N G E. apparently not 🤷🏽‍♀️

however, that's what I've been moving to. to these imaged lyrics and all other sorts of music, breath and heart beats.

on occasion, i get to step into change from an inner place. mostly though, and especially over these last 5 months, the outer world has called me into change .... initially i was radically jolted into chaos (thank g's for the practice of chaos in the 5rhythms). 

while my innards are still alchemizing and the chaos dance reigns on, eventually the rhythm
will turn.

and here i share a moment of a hope and winged prayers. 

PS come and dance with us with whatever you're being moved by on Saturdays. 

Or come and explore your relationship to metaphorical, emotional and physical nakedness .....

🔗find it all @ link in bio.


#5rhythms #5rhythmsdance #5rhythmschaos #waves #change #changeagonnacome #danceberlin #ecstaticdance #5rhythmsberlin #5rhythmentanz #5rhythmenberlin #ligthenup #hopeandpray

i was convinced the lyrics to this song were about C H A N G E. apparently not 🤷🏽‍♀️

however, that`s what I`ve been moving to. to these imaged lyrics and all other sorts of music, breath and heart beats.

on occasion, i get to step into change from an inner place. mostly though, and especially over these last 5 months, the outer world has called me into change .... initially i was radically jolted into chaos (thank g`s for the practice of chaos in the 5rhythms).

while my innards are still alchemizing and the chaos dance reigns on, eventually the rhythm
will turn.

and here i share a moment of a hope and winged prayers.

PS come and dance with us with whatever you`re being moved by on Saturdays.

Or come and explore your relationship to metaphorical, emotional and physical nakedness .....

🔗find it all @ link in bio.


#5rhythms #5rhythmsdance #5rhythmschaos #waves #change #changeagonnacome #danceberlin #ecstaticdance #5rhythmsberlin #5rhythmentanz #5rhythmenberlin #ligthenup #hopeandpray

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🎶 dance 004

color, texture, shape-shifts. 

#consciousness #consciousdance #consciousdancer #consciosdj #davidbowieforever #laurieanderson #letxbe #letitbe #danceyourway #danceyourstyle #danceyourheartout #danceyourfeelings #dancetothis


🎶 dance 004

color, texture, shape-shifts.

#consciousness #consciousdance #consciousdancer #consciosdj #davidbowieforever #laurieanderson #letxbe #letitbe #danceyourway #danceyourstyle #danceyourheartout #danceyourfeelings #dancetothis

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