KIX Retreat *FULL* Please email to register
Investigating addictive personas and what lies beyond
- Dec 01 - 04 2022
CET- 4:00 pm
Seminarhof Drawehn
- Im alten Rundling 13 Clenze OT Kassau, 29459 Germany

Retreat Overview
If you would like to participate but are unable to afford the contribution, please contact me!
This 4-day / 3-night retreat allows us the time and space to investigate themes related to addiction or compulsions and how to cultivate tools to reclaim ourselves out of addictive or compulsions behaviors.
This KIX Retreat is an open invitation to anyone and everyone who is curious about their relationship to addictions or compulsions. We will enter an immersive, judgement-free and curious process to acquaint ourselves with our addictive process, behaviors and personas. Through enhancing awareness and understanding, we will organically and naturally have space to discover and welcome in the functional / healthy personalities that lay beyond – perhaps which have been covered up for decades, or even hidden for what feels like a lifetime.
This KIX Retreat, similar to the KIX classes, offers a specific and unique format that includes a range of tools for the mind and body. The framework weaves elements such as 5Rhythms dance, somatic expression and creativity – there is no prior experience required to participate.
In addition to the 4-day retreat, you have the option to stay for one extra night to gently re-emerge from the retreat to integrate your experience. Oftentimes this ‘transition day’ can be very supportive to the overall experience. This is an additional cost of one night stay and is arranged separately (email me if you’d like to stay an extra night!)
We will explore themes of
- (the) Addictive process
- Compulsive behaviors
- Addictive / compulsive personas / personalities
- Functional / healthy personalities that lay beyond
We will use tools of
- 5Rhythms Dance
- Creative acts of catharsis
- Games and sharing
- Visualizations, drawing and writing
Special Retreat Take-aways
In addition to the rich retreat experience and the connections formed, you will receive:
- A Resource Guide – a compilation of all the exercises and any theory to easily refer back to again and again
- A Complimentary Counseling Session – a space to meet (online or in person) and process post workshop
- Available to anyone who has not previously received a complimentary counseling session
- For those who have received a complimentary session in the past, you receive a session with a reduced contribution of €40
- Please book this session within 3-weeks after the workshop
- Available to anyone who has not previously received a complimentary counseling session
- Group Integration Sessions – 4 group integration sessions (live or virtual depending on the group) take place after the retreat to allow space for integration, group support, processing and sharing
- It is not just what ‘happens at a retreat’ that paves our way for healing but how we integrate it into our daily lives. It is a joy to host these group integration sessions post retreats which deepens possibility for lasting change, and connection among everyone.
What people say about previous KIX Retreats
“Again, Samar was a great facilitator to this wonderful KIX retreat with beautiful, honest people. The exercises were intense and offered a lot of insights. I felt deeply connected with everyone. Being on this KIX Journey for more than one year now has helped a lot in weakening my addictive patterns, and brought about healing.“
“This retreat has been paradigm-shifting for me. Samar created a beautiful, deeply conscious retreat structure that merges dance, drawing, self inquiry, sharing, and much more. It’s been deeply nourishing and inspiring — food for the soul.“
“Working with Samar through the body has been amazing for me and I am very surprised how powerfully the work resonates with me. Samar‘s raw and loving energy fills the room and she is one of the rare facilitators who also supports the integration process with much care and attention.“
“The mixture of dance, movement and diving into topics through art, writing and the more theoretical explanations were perfectly balanced. Samar created a sense of community: “We are all in this together”. I loved the fearless way Samar invited us to allow emotions to come up and the professional (and spiritual) way she held the space, giving time and appreciation for those feelings and then helping the person work through them and “ground” them.”
“I experienced an open, respectful and safe space, in which Samar gave us just the attention we needed as well as silent spaces for ourselves. Additionally, by giving us honest and open insights of her own personal journey to addictions, compulsions and dependencies we were being given a feeling of equality which helped opening up to the retreat. The other participants and their own personal stories also strongly contributed to an open and supportive atmosphere.”
“This retreat gave me clarifying momentum on a lot of personal aspects I had not been able to connect before. By combining both cognitive and body based exercises , I gained powerful tools to help me understanding my past and present. I feel ready to make a new step towards a lively, independent and joyful future. I feel endlessly grateful to Samar, the group (and myself).”
Getting to the venue
Seminarhof Drawehn is a beautiful location close to nature that was specifically chosen to give us a chance to step out of our daily lives for this courageous investigation.
The venue is approximately 2hours outside of Berlin, and we can co-ordinate transportation from the main train station to the venue.
Promise the little trek is worth it, and will truly support our experience! Yes, the food is amazing, the beds are comfortable, we are in nature and there is a sauna!
Contribution Breakdown
In order to book, please contact me.
Please let me know if this retreat calls but you cannot afford the fees. We will work something out <3
Accommodation, including delicious meals:
Single Room €85 per person/night = €255 total (3 nights)
Double Room €65 per person/night = €195 total (3 nights)
Workshop Cost:
Reduced €230
Regular €260
Cancelations & Refund
Life is full of surprises, sometimes unpleasant, that affect our decisions. With this in mind, please consider the following:
- If the retreat is canceled due to a change in covid-19 regulations or other such factors, you will receive 100% refund.
- If you are unable to join and someone else takes your spot, you will receive a refund. However, if we are not able to fill the spot (e.g. due to short cancelation notice), please understand that it won’t be possible to provide a full refund.a
Addiction is any compulsive or uncontrollable habit that we engage in to escape our feelings, or our reality.
Often it starts as a way to help us cope with life experiences yet over time we lose control and compulsively go towards those behaviors or substances.
Here are a two examples of how alcohol and Netflix were first used as ways to cope, and later became addictions:
- The first time Louise* got drunk, it felt like all her insecurities disappeared. She felt like she was on top of the world and could be her ‘true self’ no matter who was in the room.
At first, Louise only drank at big parties or conferences. Over time, she drank more often and at the slightest ‘feeling’ of stress. Her self-esteem worsened and she started to feel ashamed of her drinking.
But she continued to keep a flask close-by as ‘medicine’ for stress. Even when her drinking affected friendships, commitments and her very own values, she couldn’t stop. Louise found support to stop drinking. She learned new ways to deal with stress and let go of her insecurities. - Val* loves watching Netflix. To watch his favorite show is treat at the end of a long day. A way to relax. One episode turns into five and before long, it’s midnight.
Val wakes up tired the next morning because of the previous night’s Netflix binge. Even if he turns off the TV, he can’t sleep anyway because his thoughts keep him up. He feels lost.
Val tells himself that everyone watches Netflix at night and even though he senses his life is ‘running away’ from him, he doesn’t know what else to do, and finds himself in front of his screen again, day after day.
Val discovered that Netflix binges were a way to hide from uncomfortable feelings and decisions he was avoiding. He received guidance and tools to feel his feelings and confidence to make important life decisions – without Netflix or other compulsive behaviors.
*names changed to respect confidentiality
The most commonly known addictions are substance addictions; alcohol and drugs.
Behavioral (process) addictions have infinite possibilities:
sex, romance, work, porn, power, money, social media, control, drama, emotions, cleanliness, food / eating, exercise, addicted to another person, obsessively thinking, fantasy, compulsive helping …
The defining piece of all addictions is the compulsive nature which tends to have a cycle of a ‘high’ or feeling euphoric or feeling ‘complete’ followed by guilt, shame or remorse. You might even find yourself saying ‘I won’t do it again’ or ‘I can’t stop’ or ‘just one more time’ or ‘I have to’.
Please feel free to contact me for a 20-minute no-cost and confidential chat.
Here are some signs, too, that might give you some clues:
- Reward: Do you feel better and more in control ‘doing it’ even if there might be negative consequences?
- Importance: Do you find ‘doing it’ has become a part of who you are or a way you live your life? Do you worry you would not be able to ‘deal’ without it or believe that you couldn’t ‘live’ without that person, job or behavior?
- Disruption: Do you say you are going to do something different and then – almost like a dream – find yourself ‘doing it’?
- Frequency: Do you ‘do it’ more often and for longer periods of time than before, or than you originally planned? Do you hear yourself say “just a bit more” or “just another one” or “I can’t help it”?
- Pausing: Do you feel uncomfortable if you cannot ‘do it’? Does ‘doing it’ or being with that person take up all your thoughts and energy? Do you have emotional or physical responses, e.g. racing heart, while you are engaging in the behavior or when you cannot ‘do it’?
- Secrecy: Do you keep this behavior, the frequency or the intensity a secret from others? Do you hide the behavior or feel scared what would happen if someone else finds out? Deep down, do you judge yourself for what you’re doing ? Do you rationalize or make excuses, even to yourself?
It is not required to ‘stop’ your addiction prior to attending, however, it is required to be sober for the events.
What we all have in common is a curiosity about about how addictions, compulsions or dependencies play out in our life. We might, also, be open to learn what can lead to those addictive behaviors or the shadows or (negative) self-definitions we have about ourselves.
You are invited to show up exactly as you are, in this non-judgemental, open and confidential space.
Please do not attend class under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
All addictions rob us from connection, freedom, intimacy. Sometimes we recognize this sensation subtly, in our innermost realms. Other times, addictions might run rampant in our external worlds.
I believe that functioning is a way to survive life which is a far cry from what we all deserve – living life and thriving with peace and serenity.
Only you know, in a space within yourself, whether you are functioning and ‘just making it by’ and if / when you are ready to lay down the taboos and investigate what it might be like to live and thrive without addictions, compulsions, codependency or dependency.
Anyone curious about addiction, compulsive tendencies or dependencies for the first time as well as anyone familiar with how it plays out in their lives.
You might have a little clue that you are struggling or coping with life. You might want to change a behavior and are meeting challenges, despite the attempts to stop. You might consider yourself an addict and are no living sober (or not). You might want to deal with your shadows that can lead into addiction. There is no ‘one’ motivation, no one size fits all in KIX. What we all have in common is an interest in or desire to deal with / learn about addiction or compulsions.
About Samar Linn

Samar is a curious investigator of the human experience and a movement catalyst. She is a certified 5Rhythms® teacher, a trained Integrative Counselor and Bodyworker. KIX is her heart project that was born out of her exploration of the insidiousness and pervasiveness of her multiple addictions. The gift has been to learn the root cause of all addictions and to create a unique program for herself to lead a fulfilling and addiction-free life. Today, she offers her learnings forward in the format as KIX.
Samar runs a range of workshops and regular classes to bring more curiosity to ourselves, openness to our uniqueness and permission to embrace the magic in daily life. Her raw attitude, vulnerability and fascination in ways to embody freedom of expression provide an electric, creative and safe environment.