What is stillness rhythm?

It’s the final rhythm in the 5Rhythms dance framework, following flowing, staccato, chaos, and lyrical. As the music slows down in stillness, you are invited to finish your wave with whatever energy is still moving through you. Stillness invites movement and pauses, an opportunity to integrate everything we experienced during the wave. The stillness rhythm… Continue reading What is stillness rhythm?

What is chaos rhythm?

Chaos rhythm is one of the five rhythms in the 5Rhythms framework first developed by Gabrielle Roth and practised by people all over the world. The rhythms, in order, are flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical, and stillness. For many people who dance 5Rhythms, chaos is a crescendo of sorts. Following the serene flow rhythm and the… Continue reading What is chaos rhythm?

What is 5Rhythms dance meditation?

An integrative meditation and dance practice that was founded by Gabrielle Roth in the late 1960s. It’s a map, a universal set of five rhythms that can be used by anyone at any time, anywhere.

What is ecstatic dance?

Ecstatic dance is a form of movement that combines the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our beings. It’s about letting go of all inhibitions and becoming one with yourself, as well as with your fellow dancers. There are no set steps, no physical requirements, and no right or wrong way to dance and move.… Continue reading What is ecstatic dance?

What is a conscious DJ?

A DJ who plays at and/or organizes conscious club events. Designed to be clean in regards to intoxicants, and inclusive to all dancers and partygoers, conscious clubbing is rapidly becoming more popular worldwide. Sober club nights and events appeal to a broad range of people, but all participants have one thing in common: the desire… Continue reading What is a conscious DJ?

What is a sober rave?

A rave where sobriety is the norm rather than the exception. At sober raves, otherwise known as conscious raves or conscious club events, people get the same highs and excitement of a rave but through natural means, such as dancing with others to epic music played on a masterful sound system.

Is addiction psychological or biological?

There are differing viewpoints but most addiction experts believe that psychological and biological factors, along with other interrelated factors (including societal, genetic, and environmental) play a role in addiction. Research tells us that there is a significant overlap between the neurological roots of drug ‘rewards’ and social rewards, for instance. National Institute on Drug Abuse… Continue reading Is addiction psychological or biological?